Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Mile Stones
In ancient Greece miles stones were set up at each mile as a way to mark each paths so that travelers would know how far they had run. In modern times we have metaphorical mile stones to show how far we've come. To acknowledge momentum moments in our lives.
Go far away and never come back
They say the passage of time will heal all wounds, but the greater the loss the deeper the cut, and the more difficult the process to become whole again. The pain may fade but our scars serves as a reminder of our sufferings, and making the barrier all the more resolved never to be wounded again. So as time moves along we get lost in distraction, act out in frustration, and react with aggression, give in to anger, and all the wild we plot and plan as we wait to grow stronger and before we know it the time passes. We are healed ready to begin a new.
Friday, March 28, 2014
How To Be Brave When I Am Afraid To Fall Down
This entire week I felt like I will eventually have a mental break down. I feel so depressed that it might even happened, but I really have to be strong with everything that life comes at me. I know that I made myself such a better person after so many years of accomplishments and I can't look back now. But today, I am struggling to keep my head up. I have a lot of people who I love dearly and am grateful for that. So today I am stepping out of my home and going out to dinner with my favorite cousin because keeping all of my emotion inside is what hurting the most.
Whatever I am challenged with, I am grateful. There is a lesson to be learned. Be
grateful you are alive, being given the opportunity to grow, learn, and
conquer yourself. I am grateful there's a challenging experience upon me
now, knowing that I am equipped to handle it. - Staying Strong.
Random Philosophical Questions
If you were to be cheated on, would you of like to know? If God were to know know, would you of want him to know?
My opinion:
I can understand that the great philosopher Plato, would of rather you know the truth about everything, but I think there are limits or levels that one must know. For example there are things that I wished that I would of never knew but because I do, it has helped make who I am. In other words, because of this knowledge of truth made me a wiser person and not an ignorant person. If my significant other would to ever cheat on me I would want to know because I already know how to react to the situations. For instance, breaking up would be that first step, secondly would be that I would ask why the act was done and third that if that person really felt such a way towards that person to break a commitment with someone that is already in a relationship with.
My opinion:
I can understand that the great philosopher Plato, would of rather you know the truth about everything, but I think there are limits or levels that one must know. For example there are things that I wished that I would of never knew but because I do, it has helped make who I am. In other words, because of this knowledge of truth made me a wiser person and not an ignorant person. If my significant other would to ever cheat on me I would want to know because I already know how to react to the situations. For instance, breaking up would be that first step, secondly would be that I would ask why the act was done and third that if that person really felt such a way towards that person to break a commitment with someone that is already in a relationship with.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
The Gettier Problem
Plato "true, justified belief," but Paul Gettier demonstrated the problems with Plato's definition of knowledge.
In your opinion, what is the deference between knowledge and belief? How do you know when you know something, versus when you merely believe it? Can you both believe and know something, or are they mutually exclusive? Provide examples to help illustrate your ideas.
Knowledge is based in scientific methods and belief is a part of a cultural of groups of people, for instance, Latin American mostly believe that when it's cloudy it rain. The knowledge in data scientific method that if it's cloudy then it's rained. Because it's congested so the vapor goes etc. so this is proven scientifically. Now, the belief is part of the human but the belief is not proven scientifically. The experience needed to be experience to believe and know. The knowledge comes first and then comes then belief. You know that you know something because you have already been practice. For example, when you are going to drive, you know that you can drive because you are conducting because you've practice. I know that I know something because I can apply something. Another example, I can write because I apply it in my life. You can either believe or not believe you cannot just merely believe things. For example you can't be almost sick, It's either you are sick or not. Another illustration, is either you like your boyfriend or you merely like him.
In your opinion, what is the deference between knowledge and belief? How do you know when you know something, versus when you merely believe it? Can you both believe and know something, or are they mutually exclusive? Provide examples to help illustrate your ideas.
Knowledge is based in scientific methods and belief is a part of a cultural of groups of people, for instance, Latin American mostly believe that when it's cloudy it rain. The knowledge in data scientific method that if it's cloudy then it's rained. Because it's congested so the vapor goes etc. so this is proven scientifically. Now, the belief is part of the human but the belief is not proven scientifically. The experience needed to be experience to believe and know. The knowledge comes first and then comes then belief. You know that you know something because you have already been practice. For example, when you are going to drive, you know that you can drive because you are conducting because you've practice. I know that I know something because I can apply something. Another example, I can write because I apply it in my life. You can either believe or not believe you cannot just merely believe things. For example you can't be almost sick, It's either you are sick or not. Another illustration, is either you like your boyfriend or you merely like him.
Philosophical Questions!
What is true love? How do you know if he/she loves you? How can you prove something that you think/ believe is true without proof?
There are many definition to love that apply to different styles and forms to express love. I can prove that that there is true love because of the action of the significant others. One can know for sure that they love you unconditionally. One way that I can know that he or she loves me is the showing of compassion, attentiveness, thoughtfulness, and the constant caring. If it's a love with interest then that is not love that is selfishness and looks for pleasures. Love is something that comes from both partners to know that it is true. Each head has its own world and nobody has the capacity of reading other people's mind. However, if I wasn't to know if he loves me the person action I would understand that he/she loves me. For instance, if I am married and the person who insults me, abuses me in a mental or physical way he does not love you. In the bible it says love others like you would love yourselves. In other words, don't do what you wouldn't want them to do For instance, love is a feeling. Its felt and love is shown by caring for one another.
There are many definition to love that apply to different styles and forms to express love. I can prove that that there is true love because of the action of the significant others. One can know for sure that they love you unconditionally. One way that I can know that he or she loves me is the showing of compassion, attentiveness, thoughtfulness, and the constant caring. If it's a love with interest then that is not love that is selfishness and looks for pleasures. Love is something that comes from both partners to know that it is true. Each head has its own world and nobody has the capacity of reading other people's mind. However, if I wasn't to know if he loves me the person action I would understand that he/she loves me. For instance, if I am married and the person who insults me, abuses me in a mental or physical way he does not love you. In the bible it says love others like you would love yourselves. In other words, don't do what you wouldn't want them to do For instance, love is a feeling. Its felt and love is shown by caring for one another.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
A philosopher who believed that people should constantly questioned everything.
Socrates points was is that the unexamined life is barley human, ignorant.
Socrates spoke with a man who said by many to be wise, but found that this man had no wisdom than Socrates. Wisdom meaning knowledge of correct way for a human being to live, knowledge of particular excellence that is proper to human nature.
- A general knowledge of helpful direction of inquiry and dead ends
- The unexamined life not worth living
- The importance to human excellence of caring for our souls
- The danger knowledge leads to actual good choices
Socrates points was is that the unexamined life is barley human, ignorant.
Socrates spoke with a man who said by many to be wise, but found that this man had no wisdom than Socrates. Wisdom meaning knowledge of correct way for a human being to live, knowledge of particular excellence that is proper to human nature.
Descartes " radical reconstruction of knowledge"
Descartes was undertaken to reveal uncertainties and establish self-evident truths that could never be doubted. before arguing for the existence of God, Descartes asserted that the only thing one can know for certain is that one exist as a thinking thing; he said "I think, therefore I am"
Is there anything you can know for certain? Is there any possibility that your belief is false or any circumstances in which you could be proven wrong? Reality exists, but by Descartes' criteria, what justifiation do you have for believing in it?
There is one thing that cannot be doubted and it's itself. It is rationalized to where knowledge starts from the mind to the body and the body is influence to the mind. We know for certain that the ideas are things that cannot be touch but if you put work into it you can achieve them. For example, I want to make a party therefore I developed an idea. I need to call my friends, buy the food, and set up the tables. So first I thought of plan and then I did a concrete action. We refer these things as things already seen. In that case, I can do them and think of it, so I exist. These are things that will allow us to make action of. Another, illustration is we know that we are conscious of what we are Theories are good for us, but you cannot apply all the theories in your life or take it as scientific evidence. For instance, Rene Descartes was a mathematician, his theories can apply to counting, but this does not apply to human beings because we are not numbers. His theories can help the development of human because our life is based on math. Basing your life of the theories of Rene Descartes can't be the only thing we have to keep as an only theory. We go out and find more theories.
Opinions: comment below!
Is there anything you can know for certain? Is there any possibility that your belief is false or any circumstances in which you could be proven wrong? Reality exists, but by Descartes' criteria, what justifiation do you have for believing in it?
There is one thing that cannot be doubted and it's itself. It is rationalized to where knowledge starts from the mind to the body and the body is influence to the mind. We know for certain that the ideas are things that cannot be touch but if you put work into it you can achieve them. For example, I want to make a party therefore I developed an idea. I need to call my friends, buy the food, and set up the tables. So first I thought of plan and then I did a concrete action. We refer these things as things already seen. In that case, I can do them and think of it, so I exist. These are things that will allow us to make action of. Another, illustration is we know that we are conscious of what we are Theories are good for us, but you cannot apply all the theories in your life or take it as scientific evidence. For instance, Rene Descartes was a mathematician, his theories can apply to counting, but this does not apply to human beings because we are not numbers. His theories can help the development of human because our life is based on math. Basing your life of the theories of Rene Descartes can't be the only thing we have to keep as an only theory. We go out and find more theories.
Opinions: comment below!
What Is Philosphy?
A. Philosophy comes from the Greek word meaning love and wisdom, or love and pursuit of wisdom to learn about ourselves and the world to become better thinkers/morals
-What does it mean to wise?
Gaining self-knowledge, good and bad experiences
B. Philosophy is the search for self-understanding
- Is Identity an illusion or stable?
C. Philosophy is the search for fundamental belief that can be rationally justified.
> We ought to chose the guidance in order to justify what you have to know to find out what beliefs are and give good reasons if possible.
1. Asking questions about our most basic concepts.
Branches of Philosophy
1. Logic- The study of how to think critically without contradicting one self. Example: True statements
2. Epistemology- The study of knowledge different proposal of how we learn. Example: How do we know its true?
3 .Metaphysics- Study of nature of reality. Example: What is nature of human being?
4. Religion- Arguments of different roles of religion or God or premises. Finding evidence of claims(rational) Example: Gods existence; Gods nature.
5. Social and Political- What is the best form democracy, government, or war theory?
6. Ethics- Morals and immoral. Example: Self conduct.
7. Aesthetics- Study of laws.
-What does it mean to wise?
Gaining self-knowledge, good and bad experiences
B. Philosophy is the search for self-understanding
- Is Identity an illusion or stable?
C. Philosophy is the search for fundamental belief that can be rationally justified.
> We ought to chose the guidance in order to justify what you have to know to find out what beliefs are and give good reasons if possible.
1. Asking questions about our most basic concepts.
Branches of Philosophy
1. Logic- The study of how to think critically without contradicting one self. Example: True statements
2. Epistemology- The study of knowledge different proposal of how we learn. Example: How do we know its true?
3 .Metaphysics- Study of nature of reality. Example: What is nature of human being?
4. Religion- Arguments of different roles of religion or God or premises. Finding evidence of claims(rational) Example: Gods existence; Gods nature.
5. Social and Political- What is the best form democracy, government, or war theory?
6. Ethics- Morals and immoral. Example: Self conduct.
7. Aesthetics- Study of laws.
Socrates said that "the unexamined life is not worth living" and when given a choice between life without philosphy or death, Socrates chose death. Socrates espoused the view that self-knowledge is one of the noblest goods of which we are capaple, and thought that ignorance as to why one believes what one believes can be dangerous. Do you agree? Do you think there is a such thing as a dangerous idea? Do you agree with Socrates about the value of self-knowledge? Why or why not?
In some perspectives believing certain beliefs can be dangerous. For example, not everyone is going to agrees with someone but because of laws are enforced to protect the people, we have the liberty to believe and say what we want and not be corrupting the rest of the people. In Socrates case, it was unfortunate that his life was taken away for believing in what he believed. During Socrates era, he was considered to be corrupting the young children's about his theories of true knowledge. For instance, let say I was to rob a bank, that is a bad idea because this based on ethical and unethical morals. Some things are naturally wrong, while other can find a reasonable excuse. Furthermore, Socrates engaged that self-knowledge was a good way to live life instead of living in ignorance but also I believe that some people are afraid to know what true because as human being we are afraid to know more than we already know. We live a live in a straight line, so to speak. We live what we are told and don't question it. I am an example. I believe in the self-knowledge because everyone has their own thoughts and theories. For example, if my mother told me to go to school, but instead I decided to go elsewhere, I left not because that is what I was told to go but because elsewhere is what I thought I would find better things.
Opinions welcome on the comments below!
In some perspectives believing certain beliefs can be dangerous. For example, not everyone is going to agrees with someone but because of laws are enforced to protect the people, we have the liberty to believe and say what we want and not be corrupting the rest of the people. In Socrates case, it was unfortunate that his life was taken away for believing in what he believed. During Socrates era, he was considered to be corrupting the young children's about his theories of true knowledge. For instance, let say I was to rob a bank, that is a bad idea because this based on ethical and unethical morals. Some things are naturally wrong, while other can find a reasonable excuse. Furthermore, Socrates engaged that self-knowledge was a good way to live life instead of living in ignorance but also I believe that some people are afraid to know what true because as human being we are afraid to know more than we already know. We live a live in a straight line, so to speak. We live what we are told and don't question it. I am an example. I believe in the self-knowledge because everyone has their own thoughts and theories. For example, if my mother told me to go to school, but instead I decided to go elsewhere, I left not because that is what I was told to go but because elsewhere is what I thought I would find better things.
Opinions welcome on the comments below!
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