Friday, March 28, 2014

Random Philosophical Questions

If you were to be cheated on, would you of like to know? If God were to know know, would you of want him to know?

My opinion:

I can understand that the great philosopher Plato, would of rather you know the truth about everything, but I think there are limits or levels that one must know. For example there are things that I wished that I would of never knew but because I do, it has helped make who I am. In other words, because of this knowledge of truth made me a wiser person and not an ignorant person. If my significant other would to ever cheat on me I would want to know because I already know how to react to the situations. For instance, breaking up would be that first step, secondly would be that I would ask why the act was done and third that if that person really felt such a way towards that person to break a commitment with someone that is already in a relationship with.

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